Back to school tips!
September is back to school time for many families with young kids, and this change in lifestyle means re-organizing your time to account for school lunches. Making sure your kids have 2 snacks and a wholesome lunch 5 days a week can seem like a task so here are so tips to help you transition into back to school season. Here are some school lunch tips!
If you get your child a lunch container that they like, they will be more excited about school lunches- improving their school lunch experience. Re-usable containers means less waste (avoid Ziplocs, saran wrap and other plastics your kids must throw out after using) and are therefore better for the environment. Unfortunately, many plastic or vinyl lunchboxes contain harmful BPA, PVC, and lead. Choose a non-toxic healthy product that can often be purchased at health food stores or websites like online.Using whole foods instead of pre-packaged, processed food is important when making school lunches. Whole foods like fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains legumes, nuts and seeds are rich in nutrients that will give your kids the fuel and nutrition they need to stay alert and focused until their next meal.
It’s important that kids are drinking water and staying hydrated throughout the day. Often a headache or feeling of tiredness or lethargy is actually a sign of early dehydration, which serves as a reminder to drink more water. It has been proven that there is a decrease in mental performance and ones ability to work when dehydrated. Get your kids into the habit of bringing a reusable-drinking container to school as a way to ensure they are drinking enough water. When purchasing a water bottle, make sure it’s stainless steel or made from another chemical-free safe material. Klean Kanteen 12 oz Bottles are a good choice.
It’s great to get your kids involved in the process of making their school lunches, as a way to ensure you’re making food they will eat and enjoy, and so that they learn how to make healthy food-choices. Once they learn and get into the habit of making their own lunches, they are more likely to continue this healthy practice for their whole lives.Danielle Levy, Registered Hollistic Nutritionist